One of the most beautiful places we visited was OsakaJO-Osaka Castle-. This castle is nearly 5 centuries old, it lies in Kansai region, Osaka. The area covered by OsakaJO is About 60,000 square meters.
let me show you the path a walked through to reach OsakaJO
The weather was sunny, a fine day, just seeing all that green i felt great. I showed the pictures i took to my Japanese teacher and he said your pictures are different no Japanese person would have taken pictures of trees like i did:P
Of course he's been bombed and rebuilt several times.
The view on the last floor is very beautiful, the wind is so strong their-you'll notice warning singes-
these are very big gold statues-taller than me- inside OsakaJO-
Hope you enjoined OsakaJO, I'm a bit lazy to write more, I'll try to post more often tho :D. till we meet again, matte ne:D
sugoi sugoi!! Thanks for the post ^^
I thought of posting about the fact that you are posting about your trip. But if you are going to add 1 post per year... :D
so? ...shall I?
LOL!!!!, finally a comment:P i shall give you #1 commentor award:P
It look like a really nice places to visit. of course it is better than ###### (you know where I mean) HAHA.
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