Saturday, October 18, 2008
Kokyou AWARD08
Friday, October 3, 2008

One of the most beautiful places we visited was OsakaJO-Osaka Castle-. This castle is nearly 5 centuries old, it lies in Kansai region, Osaka. The area covered by OsakaJO is About 60,000 square meters.
let me show you the path a walked through to reach OsakaJO
The weather was sunny, a fine day, just seeing all that green i felt great. I showed the pictures i took to my Japanese teacher and he said your pictures are different no Japanese person would have taken pictures of trees like i did:P
Of course he's been bombed and rebuilt several times.
The view on the last floor is very beautiful, the wind is so strong their-you'll notice warning singes-
these are very big gold statues-taller than me- inside OsakaJO-
Hope you enjoined OsakaJO, I'm a bit lazy to write more, I'll try to post more often tho :D. till we meet again, matte ne:D
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Corporations feeding of us
*I’m not going to state the name of the company I’m referring to I’ll name it DRestaurant *
Now day’s corporatocracy has greatly affected our way of life-Bahrain as a case study-I believe that instead of it serving us, we are serving it. It has molded our life to produce for it; it is consuming us and feeding of us. Let me give you an example, it’s just something that hit me all of a sudden, once in a Japanese class my teacher said in Japan, people who work at DRestaurant’s are all Japanese so we don’t get a chance to practice English like in Bahrain. Let us think in Bahrain DRestaurant came as foreign company and got foreign labor-cheap labor-and is making prophet from Bahrain’s economy, has DRestaurant been beneficial to Bahrain as it has to Japan? I think not! in Japan it provided decent jobs for the people of Japan ,here in Bahrain they bring people from the far east and pay them very low wages, all that adds up to people who own the company getting richer and our people’s life degraded, this is a corporation that is actively consuming of our generation, we are consumers only. We don’t share DRestaurant’s fate, when the state of