Monday, February 12, 2007


Of the aspects of life., change is one of the most that puzzle/dazzle me. i asked a friend to write about the subject for me. It enlightened me to read my friend's words
take a look, i quote it here:

A change, you asked me to write something about change, I am trying to figure out in what direction I should write I will just let my thoughts flow.

We experience a change each day, everything changes, the day light changes into darkness at night…fall changes to winter, winter changes to spring and spring to summer… a human changes from a baby to an adult to an old man…

The stars change their positions…the earth changes its position…nothing stays the same, although we might feel each day is like the one before it and we fall into kind of routine; it’s a fact that there is not such day like the one before or after it…change is something we can’t stop and can’t control its something we live with and surrender to…

So maybe it’s not strange that people change so much… we all change…we change from an innocent, optimistic loving life, dreamy child, into a realistic materialistic adult running after something he thinks will make him happy… our dreams change becoming smaller and smaller until finally they disappear leaving us walking through life without goals, lost, sometimes deeply thinking, and other times shallow and silly.

Our feelings, our relations change, we find friends and loose them, we keep searching for love and when we find it we give up easily… even if we get into a relation we keep wondering if this is it…until someday we find out that we lost it before realizing that this was it…

People who understood us most change to be people against us…and people who hated us change to love us most…we decide to change, become stronger by building a wall of coldness and carelessness, to find out one day that we missed up that we want to change again into more warm loving, forgiving and happy people…

The fact is that just like everything else in this world we do change, we try to find the best way, the way that will make us happy, depending on this way we change…sometimes we find out the way was wrong and that we made a mistake but we just can’t turn back and then we wish we thought more before deciding to change something

i loved reading it, what do you think?

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Harry potter 7

Harry potter 7 will be released on July 21st. The final part will be called Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Rowling has stated that the final volume relates so closely to the sixth book of the series, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that;"I feel almost as though they are two halves of the same novel." She has also stated that she has no intention of writing any further stories about the Harry Potter characters.

As of 2007, she has been working on the Harry Potter stories for over 17 years.

One of my friend’s

Let’s take a look at the meaning of the word Hallow, for example Encarta:


make holy: to make somebody or something holy


respect greatly: to have great respect or reverence for somebody or something

*the following are spoilers*

The last we know of Harry potter and Lord Voldemort, Lord Voldemort has divided his soul in to 7 peaces-or so it’s believed-. The Hallows are the objects used to store them.

How I started reading Harry potter:

I didn’t intend to read them at first. I visited my local book shop to get lord of the rings. I has some extra cash, so I thought, hmmm what am I to do with it. I don’t want to get Harry potter, it’s for kids: P. but I got the first one. It was cheap!

After reaching home I was intending to put it somewhere, to read it later.

I wanted to take a look at Harry’s book before butting it away. I ended up reading half of it, and I finished it the following day. The 2nd abd 3ed book toke 3 days, 4th,5thand 6th toke 3 to 4 weeks to finish .

Harry potter is a lovely read. It’s fun, full with adventure and puzzling all at the same time.

I regret being arrogant about it.