Sunday, January 28, 2007


I don't know what made me about paradigms for my first real post. I wanted to write about something that would help people, something that would add to my friends who choose to read.
I hope you benefit from reading it.

I’ve always wondered what paradigm meant? I always here it when the tone of speech rises. If you look it up in a dictionary, let’s try Encarta for example, I like this dictionary!


typical example: a typical example of something


model that forms basis of something: an example that serves as a pattern or model for something, especially one that forms the basis of a methodology or theory


grammar set of all forms of word: a set of word forms giving all of the possible inflections of a word


science philosophy relationship of ideas to one another: in the philosophy of science, a generally accepted model of how ideas relate to one another, forming a conceptual framework within which scientific research is carried out

That doesn’t clear things too much!

It wasn’t clear to me, what paradigms mean to us. In our context, not just in general. That is until I read Dr.Covy’s The 7 habits. It was enlightening to understand!

A paradigm as I learned is a map, you use for understanding things or modeling things in your mind or it’s what you use to judge things, as I see it, it’s reasoning with ones mind to understand ourselves and our environment.

If my reasoning is correct I’d say that any math model is a paradigm-I choose this example because I’m very affected by such aspects-.

Let’s take our friendly equation shown below:

A = B + 2

This equation is a simple one, as we can see. No matter how B tries, it’s always less than A .poor B it’s always less than A. Such relationships appear in our lives. Like;

Jake is taller than bill.

Anna is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

Dumbledore is the words greatest wizard–well Harry says so! Don’t ask me why-.

The first sentence gave, Jake some assurances, he’s at least taller than bill. Bill, on the other hand is not as tall as Jake.-Wonder if the two people didn’t see each other in their lives, and it wasn’t true-

Anna in my eyes is so pretty that I always associate beauty with her. Every time I see a flower I’d think of her. Sounds like I’m in love with a character from one of my primary school books.

If you want to know about Dumbledore, you’ll have to read, Harry potter’s books

Paradigms play a huge role in our lives. It’s how we vision things.

Think about having an incorrect paradigm. It could lead you to a wrong conclusion. In fact it could make you very miserable :(.

How is that! If your map is incorrect it’ll lead you to what you don’t want all the time. No matter how you try. If you’d try doing things more efficiently, you’ll get your self what you don’t want more quickly!

Ok even if I have the thing I don’t like, I’ll try to be happy and live with it, like we say in Arabic “kon qano3” –in the wrong context of course-. You would be for example happy with you being addicted to something. Or happy with people bossing you around

One of the things I truly wish you to learn, Is that if you don’t like where you are. Rather than trying harder or trying to feel better, is try to change the way you look at things! That’s the best thing you could do.

One day I remember I witnessed a change in paradigm. It was a few days ago. After finishing my exam, I wasn’t in hurry to go back home since, I don’t have anything urgent to do, and everyone like me. My dear friend on the other hand tried to rush me.

I was thinking why the rush, my friend is so unpleasant! It appeared to me after one day of fooling around that we had two final exams the following day!!!!! How irrational was I when I judged my friend.

Take for example in any tobacco commercial; A young Man, strong, good looking, with a huge car. You’d think everything about him is so cool. He has a perfect life. Wow! He’s smoking that stuff. You might associate the image you have of that guy with smoking!

The two aspects aren’t related! The truth is he has bad breath! his longs are in pain, and he might have trouble breathing! And he will not be in the business of making commercials for long. Since he'll have health problems

Hope you enjoyed reading! Thanks for taking the time. I’d love to hear your views